Audials Radio iOS App: Unlimited Music from 80K Radio Stations & 120 Genres

There’re some people listen to radio despite so many music players available on iOS. People still like to listen to songs, albums, and other entertaining programs on radio.

People can record, listen and stream music by using apps on their iOS device. Still, radio kept its spot successfully for over the years despite TV, music apps, internet, etc. However, some people prefer music on radio.
Music enthusiasts are selective on Pandora, iHeartRadio, and Google Play Music. But there is one, which is the best to try right now, Audials Radio.

Audials Radio iOS App Overview:

Audials Radio iOS App Review

Audials Radio iOS App is the best destination for all music lovers on iOS. You will find more than 9,00,000 songs from 80,000 radio stations, 120 genres, artist and more. It pre-buffers songs from radio station and streams on your iPhone or iPad.

No need to use any earphones as it plays on the speakers directly. Also, you can connect your iOS device with the  Bluetooth speakers to listen to your favorite music.

Audials Radio

Over 120 Genres from Across the World

You need to sign in with your email or Facebook ID after downloading Audials on iPhone or iPad. You can listen to songs without any registration. There will bunch of options to explore music on this app. Go to home screen and you can click on Radio and search through countries, languages, genres, artists and much more.
It’s the most suitable app if you’re blue music lover; as it has over 120 genres from around the world. You will never run out of music with Audials Radio iOS app.

Make a List of Favorite Stations

You can prepare a list of your favorite stations with this iOS app. Just open a specific station and you will notice a star icon close to the name of the station., click on that icon and the station will be added to your list at once. No need to browse that station again. You can make a list of particular stations quickly in this way.

Filter to Search by Region and Genre

You can choose a specific genre from the list of countries on Audials Radio iOS app. Just go to this option and pick your favorite music by genre. The app allows users to filter music by genre from several countries. ***

Audials Radio Genres

Sleep Timer

Audials comes with an alarm clock and a sleep timer to turn off the player automatically. It’s very easy to use; click on the Hamburg button and selelct Sleep Timer. You have to select minutes between one to 120 and begin to stop music, as per your time.

Dark and Light Mode/Themes

You can shift between light and dark mode from Hamburg button to make it most suitable to use Audials Radio app on your iPhone or iPad. It has a record feature, which is very useful for iOS users to record songs, albums or some other program to playback later. Also, you can save recording on your device and rename later.

Car Mode, Video and Audio Podcasts

Audials features a car mode, video and audio podcasts, 120K programs, millions of episodes and more. You can hear the news, video games (previews), comedy, science, movies, sports, languages and much more. Audials Radio is an ultimate iOS app to listen to your favorite music for free.

Audials Radio iOS App

Final Verdict

I’ve provided you every bit of information about Audials Radio iOS app to use right. It’s the best app for music lovers on iPhone or iPad without a doubt. The app built with a clean, simple and user-friendly interface for the users. As I mentioned before that it lets you save radio to save your time.

Audials Radio a free app to listen to favorite songs from different genre on iOS. There are no ads or in-app purchase offer within the app, and so you should give it a try at least once. I hope that you found it useful. Don’t forget to share this post on social media with your friends

Price: Free

Audials Radio for iOS

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